Why would a band call themselves after a gay looking dog. Such questions might come from someone who hasnt ever heard of pretty boyd floyd or seen poison debut album cover. Hard rock is all about this ambiguosly gay parafernalia. One thing I still find shocking is that such look gets em laid. I've seen tons of hot girls droolin to hard rock/ glam artists. But well thats another
story. Im not a glam or hard rock hater in fact I love this stuff! Going beyond the looks is something some people cant and they get to miss good albums like this, but hey how can I blame em, this kind of music has been whored out too much. The poodles is a glam rock band in all its glory. It has all the cheese but also all the quality of the best acts of the genre. They come from sweden and have a ballad/mid tempo/ fast pace song hit maker machine. Melody, energy and catchy hooks are the main ingredients of this album. Even if you think they look too funny to be taken seriously, this guys have great musicianship and Jakob Samuel is one of todays best hard rock singer period. Pure hard rocking fun awaits you so grab yourlittle french sissy dog and rock on!
Label: Rosehip Alley/Universal
Genre: Hard Rock