Thrash metal has always and will always be about the riffs and this danish legends have em. Artillery made 3 great albums and then ceased to exist. Now almost 20 years later they come back with a new production to show retrothrashers how this music played properly. There are some new things; most noticeable its the new singer, say goodbye to Flemming Rönzdorf's distinctive voice and say hello to Søren Adamsen (Crystal Eyes). Both are more heavy metal singers than thrash a la Sodom, Kreator & Destruction. So there might not be much change there except that Adamsen sometimes show his powermetalesque vocals ,but hey that aint that bad. With this new album we get great riffs and melodic leads artillery was famous for with new millenium production. Some purist might say they sound too modern and that it isnt the same as it was 20 years ago, I beg to differ, this a great album.
Label: Metal Mind Records
Genre: Thrash Metal
Rating: 9/10