Jorn - Spirit Black (2009)

I first heard Jorn with Ark.Prog bands can be a bit difficult to listen for non fans of the genre (like me) but there was something in this guy's voice that made that record shine. I heard of him once again with masterplan and then started following him. Impressive body opf work he has, impressive voice as well. Hard rock cliche yes, master of it you bet!

THis is Jorn beleive it or not 7th album and I gotta tell ya its a really highlight in his carreer. Let me be really honest with you, if you dont enjoy Dio, Glenn Huges or such voices youre wasting your time here.

This is a set of thundering heavy songs with amazing vocals and some really catchy riffs.

Built to last this album is a punch in the face for people who think call this music outdated. The power of this album makes me smile and headbang everytime I listen to it, really great . Sure there are fillers ("Below" Im looking at you) and even a Tarja cover (talk about improbable). But it has so many great songs you gotta get it. It hasnt leave my stereo for weeks. GET IT!!

Label: Frontiers Records
Genre: Hard Rock/Heavy metal
Rating: 8.5/10

Bloodbound - Tabula Rasa (2009)

Wait! No make up?! Well yes they no longer wear the black metal parafernalia. It was always kinda weird for me to see em dress like that and perform powermetal. Well having that out of my chest lets talk about this great album. Bloodbound was powermetal by the book, solos, hooks, vocal you name it. It was ok but how long could it last? Seems like not much. This swedish guys have had the wisdom to change and remain relevant. Its still power metal but with a twist, amodern twist that is.It reminds of the last Thunderstorm album I enjoyed; "Tools of Destruction" (We miss you Pasi Rantanen!!) "Tabula Rasa" has power and chunky riffs, it also has the amazing vocals of Urban breed what that makes this album shine. We loved their debut, we got back to 80s with "Book of the dead", now its a new beginnin (thats what tabula rasa means anyway) this guys just have it! Recommended!

Label: Blistering Records
Genre: Heavy Power metal
Rating: 8/10

Tim "Ripper" Owens - Play my Game (2009)

Tim "The Ripper" Owens Ive always liked, great singer hasnt had the best luck in the bussiness, being treated like a substitute teacher. Im always eager to hear this guys stuff, I mean I really dig his vocal style. I was waiting for this cd to come out, cause I thought I was going to hear another "Sillicon Messiah" (I really like that album). This is nevertheless sort of a mediocre album. Tim's voice is always great but not so much his compositions, he has some good moments (the title track for example) but they are less that the promiment bad songs that make this album a boring one.

Its like he has this idea of making Judas Priest meets soundgarden thing and it comes out with a hybrid that I dont like. I wish him all the best but this isnt a good album, maybe he's a visionary and I'd like it in 20 years who knows?!

Label: SPV/Steamhammer
Genre: Heavy metal
Rating: 5/10

Artillery - When Death Comes (2009)

Thrash metal has always and will always be about the riffs and this danish legends have em. Artillery made 3 great albums and then ceased to exist. Now almost 20 years later they come back with a new production to show retrothrashers how this music played properly. There are some new things; most noticeable its the new singer, say goodbye to Flemming Rönzdorf's distinctive voice and say hello to Søren Adamsen (Crystal Eyes). Both are more heavy metal singers than thrash a la Sodom, Kreator & Destruction. So there might not be much change there except that Adamsen sometimes show his powermetalesque vocals ,but hey that aint that bad. With this new album we get great riffs and melodic leads artillery was famous for with new millenium production. Some purist might say they sound too modern and that it isnt the same as it was 20 years ago, I beg to differ, this a great album.

Label: Metal Mind Records
Genre: Thrash Metal
Rating: 9/10

The Poodles - Clash of the Elements (2009)

Why would a band call themselves after a gay looking dog. Such questions might come from someone who hasnt ever heard of pretty boyd floyd or seen poison debut album cover. Hard rock is all about this ambiguosly gay parafernalia. One thing I still find shocking is that such look gets em laid. I've seen tons of hot girls droolin to hard rock/ glam artists. But well thats another
story. Im not a glam or hard rock hater in fact I love this stuff! Going beyond the looks is something some people cant and they get to miss good albums like this, but hey how can I blame em, this kind of music has been whored out too much. The poodles is a glam rock band in all its glory. It has all the cheese but also all the quality of the best acts of the genre. They come from sweden and have a ballad/mid tempo/ fast pace song hit maker machine. Melody, energy and catchy hooks are the main ingredients of this album. Even if you think they look too funny to be taken seriously, this guys have great musicianship and Jakob Samuel is one of todays best hard rock singer period. Pure hard rocking fun awaits you so grab yourlittle french sissy dog and rock on!

Rosehip Alley/Universal
Genre: Hard Rock


Spirit Black

Posted by Jerec

Tabula Rasa

Posted by Jerec
Tim ripper owens

Play my games

Tim Ripper Owens
Posted by Jerec

When Death Comes

Posted by Jerec
The Poodles

Clash of the Elements

The Poodles
Posted by Jerec
None Available